Can we really deliver mass vision correction by letting people do it themselves ?

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Can we really deliver mass vision correction by letting people do it themselves ?

It is believed that perhaps 20% of the world's population - or even more - need vision correction today but don't have it

To deal with the problem satisfactorily, we need a criterion which we can use to quantify "need"



Conventional Approach

Developing World:

An Alternative Approach

Our Approach


And we ensure that the range of focus of those lenses is sufficient that they may be separately adjusted so as to achieve sharp focus for each retina

If the adaptive lenses have a range from +6 to -6 dioptres, the system we have created might be expected to correct the spherical refractive error of approximately 90% of a typical uncorrected population




Adaptive Spectacles

Self-optimised vision correction with adaptive spectacle lenses in developing countries

This study was funded by the UK Department for International Development ( our overseas aid agency ) and involved 213 subjects in Ghana, South Africa, Malawi and Nepal.

Comparison for all data

Comparison for non-astigmatic eyes

Unaided minimum angle of resolution ( MAR )

MAR when self-corrected using adaptive spectacles


More data:

Present Status of the Project


Author: Prof. Joshua Silver